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Dear Warrior

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Dear Warrior Man,

These days, money is tight. Whenever I come home from a work travel event,my kids run up and greet me warmly. However, I know they are only looking for a present. We all have to do our part to save money and I can't afford to buy them presents everytime. How do I prepare them for this let them?


Traveling Blues

Dear Blues
The Rower exercise improves the ability to move in and out of the supine position to a seated posture. It coordinates the action of the trunk and extremities while challenging the abdominal muscles (Figure 6-62).

Starting Position: Supine position, arms overhead and feet together, and pointing upward. The chin is tucked and the head is 1-2 inches above the ground. Arms are shoulder-width, palms facing inward, with fingers and
thumbs extended and joined.

Cadence: SLOW


1. Sit up while swinging arms forward and bending at the hip and knees. At the end of the motion, the arms will be parallel to ground, palms facing inward.

2. Return to the starting position.

3. Repeat count 1.

4. Return to the starting position.

Check Points:

At the starting position, the low back must not be arched excessively off the ground. To prevent this,tighten the abdominal muscles to tilt the pelvis and low back toward the ground. At the end of counts 1 and 3, the feet are flat and pulled near the buttocks. The legs stay together throughout the exercise and the arms are parallel to the ground.

Precautions: This exercise is always performed at a slow cadence. Do not arch the back to assume counts 1
and 3.


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