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Showing posts from May, 2012

LCCN, PCN or CIP? How to Catalog Your Self-Published book

Catalog options mentioned here are available only to United States  (US) publishers with offices and staff in the US who are available to answer  bibliographic questions about their books. The Library of Congress  Control Number (LCCN) Catalog in Publication (CIP) are two  well known catalog systems. The CIP provides free distribution of prepublished and further distribution of completely published books to libraries  and book vendors world-wide. The PCN provides an abbreviated  record but is not further disseminated to libraries on the same scale  as the CIP. Here is a secret. This book is primarily written for nonfiction authors  who want to self-publish a professional book available to specialized  organizations or professionals. It will most likely be available through and other on-line bookstores and distributors. This is  the widest distribution effort and your best marketing source. You will  most likely use print on demand and rely on word of mouth, social ne

How to Keep Company Secrets |

Another business saving advice includes identifying and marking intellectual property or proprietary information. Many organizations just neglect to document. Ask the hard questions about what makes your product so special. That's what you want to protect. Identify what's special, document those findings and create steps to limit exposure. Consider Kentucky Fried Chicken. They are able to sell their product, but very few actually know the secret blend of herbs and spices. How to Keep Company Secrets | Jeffrey W. Bennett, ISP is the owner of Red Bike Publishing Red Bike Publishing . Jeff is an accomplished writer of non-fiction books, novels and periodicals. He also owns Red bike Publishing. Published books include: "Get Rich in a Niche-Insider's Guide to Self Publishing in a Specialized Industry" and "Commitment-A Novel".Jeff is an expert in security and has written many security books including: "Insider's Guide to Security Clearance

Help, My Website Has Been Hacked

For those of you who may have noticed, my website has been hacked, pranked or whatever. I don't know what the intent was or why someone would target a small niche company? What's the ROI or bang for the buck? Not sure, nor am I sure anyone will notice. So, just to be sure they get the full exposure, and since I don't know how to remove it, I'll embrace it. Thanks random hacker.... You can see it for yourself at Crazy, I know.... Jeffrey W. Bennett, ISP is the owner of Red Bike Publishing . Jeff is an accomplished writer of non-fiction books, novels and periodicals. He also owns Red bike Publishing. Published books include: "Get Rich in a Niche-Insider's Guide to Self Publishing in a Specialized Industry" and "Commitment-A Novel". Jeff is an expert in security and has written many security books including: "Insider's Guide to Security Clearances" and "DoD Security Clearances and

Marketing With Facebook Pages

Marketing With Facebook Pages Though I don't make a lot of niche security book sales with Facebook, other have created rave opportunities. Most of my marketing is for niche customers. Really not many of my friends or family are appropriate customers for my niche books. However, I've made most of my novel sales using face book pages. Here's how I did it. Businesses don’t have the same accounts that people do. However, they do have pages. Business pages provide another free opportunity to get your book information out to more people. Consider whether or not you want pages for each individual book or spinoff product or for your company. You have the option to do one or all. I have a page for books and one for Red Bike Publishing. Personal Facebook accounts can reflect any information added to business pages. Additionally, business pages can be fed by information posted on blogs. You can also look for other business pages that reflect your niche. Become fans of other pa