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Showing posts from December, 2014

Self-Publishing Goals and New Year's Resolutions

Wow, New Year’s Eve is just around the corner and many of us have already set goals. It’s traditional to plan events as the calendar rolls over to a new year. It’s great to dream big and visualize these goals, it’s quite another to actually reach them. So let’s talk self-publishing goals, writing and publishing a book in 2015 is a great one to strive for. It’s one thing to dream and another to plan. The difference is what you do from the vision to make it a reality. Here are some deliberate actions you can take to help you become a self-published author in 2015. 1. This of course is possible only if you have a book in mind. It is very possible to write and publish in 2015 by following a deliberate journey. The first step is to identify a book idea, outline it and determine how much writing is necessary to be ready for publishing. See for an idea of how to assemble ...

It's Time To Prepare for the New Year's Resolution

January 1 is less than a month away and so are your resolutions. If you have taken the challenge of writing a book, congratulations. Here is what you can do to ensure success. The following article has been published before, but I'm re-writing it for this resolution purpose. Follow this step by step method t0 keep motivated to publish your book or work through the writing, editing process and self-publishing  process. 1. Outline your book-Begin with a blank page or empty word document. On that page, write the book’s topic anywhere you’d like as long as you know it’s the focal point of the brainstorm. Then, write as many words as you can to support that topic. For example, in Get Rich in a Niche, I started with the topic “write, publish and market to a niche”. Then I plastered all the white space with phrases such as: marketing ideas, how to write, formatting, kindle, CreateSpace, Lightning Source, Amazon, internet marketing, social media, become an expert,...