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Showing posts with the label money

Reason to Self-Publish Number 4

Self-publishing and traditional publishing are both viable publishing methods. Each has its own function and should hardly be compared. However, I am daring to make a comparison to encourage those of you who have niche ideas to go ahead and publish your books. Though a traditional publisher will not be able to sell to a select few, you can. Your audience will appreciate your efforts. You can probably think of many great reasons to self-publish. As you make your list of pros, many opportunities might come to mind. I've developed a list of reasons myself.  I love self-publishing and the do it yourself method is so far the most exiting way to get my books to those who need it. My list has included the benefits of controlling creativity and marketing your way and where it counts. The third reason I love self-publishing is that I am publisher and I receive all the money, minus expenses of course. Money, Money, Money-Self publishers earn all the profit. Set your price, pay th...