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Showing posts with the label self publish amazon

The best way to publish your book (In my opinion)

You know how there are so many book publishing options? I help authors publish their final manuscripts by helping them take control of their work. After writing and publishing many, many books, I have come to the conclusion that publishing and managing books on Amazon is currently the best option and for a few very good reasons: It is free to publish your books on Amazon. As a publisher, I've used many print and publishing services, and Amazon is the only one that I'm aware of that will let you upload and publish for free. You can publish an ebook, a paperback, and an audio book. Since it's free, you can update book content and covers any time. It's almost instant.. You want a new cover? Upload it Need to correct an error or update book content? Upload it All you need is an amazon account and you are capable of being a publisher. It's really all there is to it. Your publisher account is tied to your amazon account Your author page is tied to your a...

Four Ways to Develop a Niche and Indie Publishing Project

Selfpublishing in a niche industry is a good solution. Many times the niche is just too small for traditional publishers to address. There are few barriers to entry and technology has made it very affordable. Authors can physically write a book and make it available. However, to create a good name and develop a pristine reputation takes more work. Incorporate the following steps successfully launch your self publishing or indie publishing projects. 1.  Have a message Is your message passionate; a burning message that screams, “I can help make your life easier” or “How do you live without me?” Such a message should be yours exclusively and available everywhere and trustworthy. It doesn’t have to reflect the current practices or industry standard to be accepted. In wrote my first book “ ISP Certification-The Industrial Security ProfessionalExam Manual ” after earning my certification. I developed my own study material that gave me the confidence to pass. I wrote th...

Book Ideas

If you have published your first book, you now have the experience to publish more. If new books are within the same genre or specialized area; great for you. That just means that your first customers just might be repeat customers. If you can come up with additional books or products relative to the needs of your current audience, then you may have guaranteed future success. Additionally, customers who come to know your business through current marketing efforts will hopefully buy all of your book and product selections. Here are a few ideas for adding books to your publishing library: 1.  Try turning you print book into an eBook as a spin off product or vice-versa. For example, I began selling my ISP Certification-The Industrial Security Professional Exam Manual as an eBook. Since the certification exam offers an online testing option, I planned on customers buying the book and practicing taking the test online. I created the book us...

3 Ways to Become a Rock Star in Your Niche

The secret to niche marketing is to become a rock star in your specialized industry. Though the majority of the world do not recognize your name or brand, those in your industry will. When I was younger, I enjoyed garage bands or what people call indie bands today. These groups created a unique sound not enjoyed by mainstream music lovers. However, to their faithful, they were on the top of the list. Your goal should be the same. Like indie bands, your goal isn't to try to get your music to the masses. Most indie bands avoid mainstream audiences like crazy. They love and play to their audiences in small and sometimes unsavory venues. To get ahead in your niche, your sold out concert might just be a handful of people attending your readings, classes or blogs. You can't afford to, nor should you try to reach the mainstream consumer. Your target is multiple sales and contact with your faithful audience. You can be well known and respected within a niche industry. The funny th...

Two Great Marketing Tools For Niche Authors

Developing marketing tools for small niches Whether or not you use all or some of the recommended ideas, ensure your effort s are all connected with one effort feeding the other. This is how you increase awareness with expending the little time and energy you may have available. 1.  Always have your point of sale at your website  with links to your social networks, blogs and other marketing and sales sites. 2.  Include your website, blog and other places customers can find information about you in your email signature. As you send email, your signature block creates a buzz. Find out more detailed "how to" information in Get Rich in a Nich e available everywhere. Jeffrey W. Bennett, ISP is the owner of Red Bike Publishing . Jeff is an accomplished writer of non-fiction books, novels and periodicals. He also owns Red bike Publishing. Published books include: "Get Rich in a Niche-Insider's Guide to Self Publishing in a Specialized Indust...