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Showing posts with the label re-write

How to write, edit, publish and market a book every year

What is your writing style? How do you get through your manuscript? I've heard testimony from many who write full length manuscripts and the methods are different. Some swear to working 18 hour days at the computer with a compelling need to get the novel or non-fiction book finished. I've heard it said that Stephen King felt as if a lady were waiting outside his room to do him harm should he slow progress on his finishing his books. For me, there's less of a sense of urgency. I'm a little more practical. Though I sell lot's of books, I still can't quit my day job, very few do. So for me, I've got the meet more pressing demands of my life while hacking out an existence as an author publisher. After putting in an honest day's work at the paying job, taking kids to their events, being a good husband and faithful church goer, I have very little time to write. Sometimes only one hour per day.  Many times, I have to share that time with marketing, co...