Catalog options mentioned here are available only to United States (US) publishers with offices and staff in the US who are available to answer bibliographic questions about their books. The Library of Congress Control Number (LCCN) Catalog in Publication (CIP) are two well known catalog systems. The CIP provides free distribution of prepublished and further distribution of completely published books to libraries and book vendors world-wide. The PCN provides an abbreviated record but is not further disseminated to libraries on the same scale as the CIP. Here is a secret. This book is primarily written for nonfiction authors who want to self-publish a professional book available to specialized organizations or professionals. It will most likely be available through and other on-line bookstores and distributors. This is the widest distribution effort and your best marketing source. You will most like...
A Blog for niche experts, authors, and publishers. Now with Excerpts from "Get Rich in A Niche-How to Self-Publish and Market Your Book"