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Showing posts with the label niche publishing

Four Ways to Develop a Niche and Indie Publishing Project

Selfpublishing in a niche industry is a good solution. Many times the niche is just too small for traditional publishers to address. There are few barriers to entry and technology has made it very affordable. Authors can physically write a book and make it available. However, to create a good name and develop a pristine reputation takes more work. Incorporate the following steps successfully launch your self publishing or indie publishing projects. 1.  Have a message Is your message passionate; a burning message that screams, “I can help make your life easier” or “How do you live without me?” Such a message should be yours exclusively and available everywhere and trustworthy. It doesn’t have to reflect the current practices or industry standard to be accepted. In wrote my first book “ ISP Certification-The Industrial Security ProfessionalExam Manual ” after earning my certification. I developed my own study material that gave me the confidence to pass. I wrote th...

3 Ways to Finding Your Niche Audience

Guess what, niche marketers can command top search engine results for free. Many marketing tools are available for you at no cost. 1.  Article writing and interacting on social media networks can result in top search engine rankings. 2.  Add key words and phrases to your websites, blogs and newsletters that search engines pick up on really works. Your challenge is to find a possibly elusive market and send them the right message. My market is hard to find; many in the security niche do not have an online presence and mailing lists aren't always available. By nature, members of some small security niches do not participate in social network and limit internet behavior activity. However, what I have learned creates an advantage for niche marketers. 3.  All professionals have email addresses issued by their corporations, belong  to professional organizations and are hungry for education. I also know ...

Expensive Marketing that does NOT Pay Off in Niche Markets

This is where it gets dicey. I am recommending just the opposite of what all the online marketing gurus are suggesting, but please read completely before you make a decision about your next marketing move. Don't Pay for Expensive Social Networking Ads While popular brands and products can earn money through such advertising campaigns, small niches may not. That's the idea of social networking; a niche marketer should be able to make sales without spending money. Facebook, LinkedIn, Google and others offer services to help you get to the top of the search engine results. Many advertise with Google using Adwords or Pay Per Click. When customers use a keyword search, your website is featured prominently in the search engine results. Additionally, some create an advertisement that displays in the search engine’s results margins. When potential customers click on either the advertisement or the search engine result, the advertiser pays the agreed u...

3 Ways to Better Book Planning

Many of you are not rich...yet. Your book isn’t published and you may not yet have the customers necessary for great sales. You probably have full time jobs, might travel regularly, have a family that needs your love and attention, chores and responsibilities at home and in the community. Pace yourself-Setting goals and milestones is incredibly important. However, the nervous breakdown that follows too tough of a schedule is never worth it. Never write a book or build a business at the cost of your job or your family. Commitment-Get buy in from others you have invested time with. Writing is an addition to your schedule that will add stress to your life. Part of your planning should be getting an agreement with anyone you are committed to. The agreement should benefit everyone. Families and relationships need love, communication and patience. Commitments in the community, church, clubs, and social organizations are also important. Let everyone know that you may have to r...

Exerpt from Army leadership Implications For Organizational Leaders And Unit Commanders

 To be effective team builders, organizational leaders and commanders must be able to identify and interact with both formal and informal teams, including— The traditional chain of command. Chains of coordination directing joint, interagency, and multinational organizations. Chains of functional support combining commanders and staff officers. Although leading through other leaders is a decentralized process, it does not imply a commander or supervisor cannot step in and temporarily take active control if the need arises. However, bypassing the habitual chain of command should be by exception and focused on solving an urgent problem or guiding an organization back on track with the leader’s original guidance Jeffrey W. Bennett, ISP is the owner of Red Bike Publishing . Jeff is an accomplished writer of non-fiction books, novels and periodicals. He also owns Red bike Publishing. Published books include: "Get Rich in a Niche-Insider's Guide to Self Publishing in ...

An Excerpt From the Novel Commitment

“What'd you do that for?” Angus yelled. “He was going to eat me,” the overweight Bart whined a little too loudly. He still had his shotgun poised over his head. “No he wasn’t, you fool. He probably heard all the commotion you made and came to investigate,” said Charles. “What in the world was this aborigine doing up at this time of night?” Bart complained, laboring for air. “Probably guarding the camp from lads like us,” Charles chided. “Keep it down! Did you have to hit him so hard? I think he’s dead,” Angus chastised. “I said I didn’t mean to. You shouldn’t have brought me here. You should’ve left me to guard the camp instead of Roger,” Bart continued to whine. “This stuff scares me and I hate walking through it. I can’t believe you made me come.” “We needed someone competent to stand by at camp. We didn’t think you could cause trouble under supervision,” Charles continued. Angus dug into his back pack and pulled out an ornament he took from an Asmat warrior he fo...

5 Ways Indie Publishers Can Maximize Internet Exposure

Is your indie publishing company positioned for success? These 5 takeaways can help your company, products and books before a broader market. Building a strong presence and leveraging your friends, shareholders and other parties interested in your posts to broadcast your writings can create huge momentum. For example, suppose you have a blog that provides information about your publishing company or a niche book. You blog an article about your latest book. It feeds to your Facebook page and your friends "Like" it or provide comments. Soon others might become interested and your audience increases. However, if you are in a nice industry, only a certain audience will actually benefit from your posts. This is the audience that you educate and provide great books to. They join your LinkedIn groups, Facebook pages and follow your tweets. You've got a good thing going, your audience is faithful, continue to buy your books and comment on your posts. But what if you write ano...

Five Writing Resource That Provide Niche Publicity

As a niche expert, you may find traditional methods of marketing do not provide the exposure you need. Sure, you might be a big name in your organization, hobby, profession or club, but the level of specialization will determine the type of advertising and marketing necessary to reach your audience. For example, your niche may only have 2000 potential customers nationwide. If you can reach the 2000 and sell your products, then you'll have a potential career. Though 2000 readers may seem small to a traditional publisher or marketing company, it is a treasure to an indie organization who can meet the needs of customers. Forget taking out ads in papers, spots on radios, or paid space online; unless they are guaranteed to reach only your audience. Many cannot do that as often marketing lines are blurred. It's easy to target model builders. If you provide books with general security appeal, you might be able to place advertisement almost anywhere to meet a demand for home or veh...

Porters Five Forces Explains Why you should become an Indy Publisher

According to Porter's Five Forces Model, you can successfully start your writing, consulting, publishing or other niche business on the internet. You can enter your hobby, interest or business into the market place with opportunities to earn great amounts of money with little risk and cost. Porter’s Five Forces are Buyer Power, Supplier Power, Threat of Substitute Products, Threat of New Entrants and Competitive Rivalry within your industry. These are the elephants in the room. Successfully identify them and your business plan will begin to mature. Buyer power is higher when buyers have more choices. Businesses are forced to add value to their products and services to get loyalty. Many loyalty programs include excellent services that customers demand on-line. Customers want to solve their problems and many times they are more successful on-line than on-phone. Also, we see internet savvy businesses springing up offering more valuable goods and services at lower costs. Supplier powe...

Know your talents so your talents can make you known

"I graduated with a degree in psychology with a minor in business and now I'd like to become a consultant," our server told us. My colleagues and I had just finished a consultation helping a company protect their intellectual property. Now were unwinding in a popular Penn State establishment. "What would you like to consult?" I asked. She thought for a moment and continued with "I still need to go to grad school, then I'll have the experience I need to consult." "I see, so college is the key?" I asked. "The way I see it, sure." I continued to observer her quietly as she worked through the restaurant. I noticed that she had a certain way with her patrons and that she drew the attention of other employees. More than once someone came to ask her opinion. Though she wasn't a manager, she carried herself as an authority and seemed to really enjoy her job. She had education, looks, confidence and had a contagious personalit...

Why Write a Book

Why Write Your Book? Books are an excellent and inexpensive way to reach your target. Whether or not you want a career as a writer, or you want to launch your products through writing, your book will launch you. Readers regard authors as experts. Anytime an author writes, is quoted, or publishes, people tend to lend credibility. The pen is mighty and powerful in launching careers and products; a truth that applies to  novels , references and how to books.  Your book could be about you, your product or solely your message. Whatever the subject matter, the book should highlight your expertise in an area, your message and any related products. Why write a book? Some of the following purposes may help you find the answer:   You have a message no one else has made known.   You are an expert in a field where no books exist (highly possible in a niche).   You know how to do something that you wish everyone else in the niche could do.   You want to build insta...

It really works

I would like add one additional important bit of information to the four steps of using keywords . These key word ideas will help you draw more traffic to your website. However, they should be used with a bit of finess with Of course, I am writing about "Tags". Tags are an excellent way to draw customers to your book pages. Where keywords that you might use with the google link, bring customers to your website and further to your book page, Tags will help you bring your book to the eyes of those who search for books exclusively on I added one additional step to my Tags idea. When filling out Tags, look at your competitor's books and if it relates, add their tags to your book's tags. If you bought Get Rich in a Niche-The Insider's Guide to Publishing In Specialized Markets , you would understand where to find tags on your book page. In short, scroll down to the section that says "Tag your book"....

Use the right keywords

Authors and self publishers should have an informative website and an easy to use point of sale. It's important to understand how to draw your audience to your website and your point of sale. To do so, your market should be able to find you and your books. The best way for your audience to find your website is to use comprehensive keywords. Keywords are what drive search engines to your books. Blogs, websites, Facebook pages, LinkedIn updates and Twitter posts should be as keyword rich as possible. When your market or prospective customer searches for expert advice, solutions or just good reading material, they might use Google or other search engine to direct them to a good source. Using good keywords will almost assure that the search engine will bring them to you. A good source for researching keywords can be found a h ttps:// . Use this website to help you discover which keywords people use to find products they are interested in...