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Showing posts from January, 2018

Lean into your writing

My talent is writing.  What a way to start an article. Many of you are reading this because your talent is also writing. The difference between a published author and those who talk about it is simply the ability to get ideas on paper. Many of you do not have this struggle, but you also may not realize the tremendous value of your gift.  I was the same way until I came up with this revelation. Writing was my back up plan to my inability to speak. I had it wrong; I should have been relying on my ability to communicate in the written word and in exquisite detail. I'm a terrible speaker. OK, that's a rare confession but it's true in the general conversation and the meeting sense of speaking. Unless I script my presentations or speeches and exhaustively rehearse my verbal message, I am pretty much a mess with oral communication. The written word is my number one choice of communication as I have to time to strategically formulate my message, put it on paper, rearrang...