The evolution of Red Bike Publishing
I felt the need to write this background information to help you better understand my motivation to teach and understand how to start a business. If you have no idea what you want to do for a business, my experience might help. My background had led me to write my first security book and marketing it using the website and the publishing company Red Bike Publishing at
I wanted to teach other security professionals how to study for the exam and increase their chances of passing. One vital ingredient to this business’ success is that there are no other study guides and the certification is new. I began selling eBook version of the study guide ISP Certification-The Industrial Security Professional Exam Manual on my website and eBay. I started some advertisement in our professional organization’s newsletter and began to draw interest. Sales were limited and after making adjustments in price, they began to escalate. My business plan called for publishing only the eBook to simulate a real test taking environment. However, my customers feedback led me to change my publishing plan to bring more credibility to the book.
Going to Print
I realized this book needed to be more readily available than on my website and eBay. I could better help by putting it on and other bookstore sites. I began by researching other self-published authors and asking them a lot of questions. Fitting the mold of true entrepreneurs, they volunteered to help me in any way they could and told me their stories. William Henderson, the owner of Last Post Publishing gave me tremendous help. He is a definite success at niche marketing and self-publishing. I used his advice to start Red Bike Publishing, found a printer and distributor to work with and put it in print.
Sales continue to climb and I learned how to market my product and listened to the market for spin-off product ideas. The journey has been inspiring as I have met others in the business whom I would have not met otherwise. Aside from a good supplemental income, I helped people become certified. I communicate with many of my customers and I am motivated to try new ideas. They frequently send new ideas, reply to my surveys and offer advice and support.
Now, I would like to teach you the rest of the lessons. My intent is to give you the facts and let you experiment on your own business and ideas. What I am about to teach you has been proven over and over and taught in many different venues. I just wanted to compile it in a short book to whet your appetites for success. You won’t find any hype here, just ideas that work. I wish you the best of success as you implement these ideas. I also hope you will share your success.
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