Writing a book isn’t easy and shouldn’t be something an author rushes through, no matter what pop publishing culture tells us. What goes on paper is a result of tireless effort. Depending on your motivation and personality, it may seem easier to put together a course or write an article or two for a newsletter, blog or other publication.
Here are four proven ways to help you write and publish in a specialized market and establish yourself as a niche expert.
1. Writing takes time
Writing a book length manuscript is difficult; but we make it look easy. Despite advice given in self-publishing books, writing is a commitment. It takes time, devotion and some solitude; much of which a full time professional does not have a lot of to begin with. This endeavor is not a sprint, but an endurance race. The difficulty of formatting a book may not be as tough as setting aside time and committing to writing words on paper.
As an author/publisher, you have already identified niches that aren’t supplied by publications. The market is hungry for knowledge, but to date, none has been supplied. On the other hand, there might be a book or two published, but they are incomplete.
2. Start with quality over quantity
As an author, you are not necessarily writing to beat others to market, but to get a champion product that meets a need. It also may be a good assumption that as you write, you will remain as the sole source expert on the topic. Until you succeed, others may not even have the energy or desire to write about your subject area. Once you succeed, others may join you in the market.
3. You are the sole provider
Remember, your niche could be too small for traditional publishers to venture into. Even if all the customers bought books, there wouldn’t be enough sales to warrant the huge financial, time and resource commitment required of a traditional publisher. This is a great opportunity because your market is protected. In business we measure it as barriers to entry. You have a built in audience with no competition; that’s called demand.
4. Shovel ready Audience
All you have to do is commit to the project, organize your thoughts, complete a manuscript, edit the manuscript and publish it. There are two methods of publishing your efforts and make big sales. None of these suggestions involve getting your book in bookstores, signing with major publishing companies or a success model involving a lot of wasted effort trying to replicate traditional publishing or traditional marketing efforts. The premise; you are writing for a niche, you’ve already found your audience.
Jeffrey W. Bennett, ISP is the owner of Red Bike Publishing. Jeff is an accomplished writer of non-fiction books, novels and periodicals. He also owns Red bike Publishing. Published books include: "Get Rich in a Niche-Insider's Guide to Self Publishing in a Specialized Industry" and "Commitment-A Novel". Jeff is an expert in security and has written many security books including: "Insider's Guide to Security Clearances" and "DoD Security Clearances and Contracts Guidebook". See Red Bike Publishing for print copies of: Army Leadership The Ranger Handbook The Army Physical Readiness Manual Drill and Ceremonies The ITAR The NISPOM
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