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Showing posts from June, 2013

Rainy Street Stories-Reflections on Secret Wars, Espionage and Terrorism — Red Bike Publishing

Rainy Street Stories-Reflections on Secret Wars, Espionage and Terrorism — Red Bike Publishing Rainy Street Stories-Reflections on Secret Wars, Espionage and Terrorism Rainy Street Stories is a composition of powerful reflections on today’s espionage, terrorism, and secret wars. These stories, essays, and poems by John Davis, himself a retired intelligence officer, take place from Europe, to Asia, and back to the Americas. He lived overseas for many years, where he served as a soldier, civil servant, and gifted linguist. Davis writes with a thoughtful, compassionate, and fair assessment of his lifetime lived during wars and conflicts which were his generation’s legacy from World War II. He recounts mysterious, sometimes strangely suggestive, even curiously puzzling tales. Each will cause the reader to think. Davis draws from actual encounters from unusual circumstances, in conversations at utterly unexpected times, and chance meetings, historical site visits, or his readings t...

Getting Started-Thoughts on the Entrepreneur

Get great writing swag at A familiar saying, “Necessity is the Mother of Invention” describes that a need comes before a product. Someone recognized the lack of a product and without successfully finding satisfaction, they met the need with their own invention. Many become wealthy and famous providing what they themselves found the world to lack.  In my case, it was the help I provided other professionals with practice tests and boosting their confidence to take a security certification. Before I took my certification exam, I looked around for leadership. There was none and I found it was up to me to study for and pass the examination. So, I began to develop my own study program.  The ideas I developed were not conventional in the specialized security market. However, I had learned from college, previous military and life experience, how to set goals and establish a way to reach those goals. With a lack of publication, I wen...