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In my case, it was the help I provided other professionals with practice tests and boosting their confidence to take a security certification. Before I took my certification exam, I looked around for leadership. There was none and I found it was up to me to study for and pass the examination. So, I began to develop my own study program.
The ideas I developed were not conventional in the specialized security market. However, I had learned from college, previous military and life experience, how to set goals and establish a way to reach those goals. With a lack of publication, I went about touching, experiencing, and researching everything I could about the certification. I volunteered for extra jobs at work (related to the certification) and took notes of my progress.
I also read reviews of the test and articles about who passed, and what they did to study. Most who had failed had done so because they ran out of time. Since the certification exam has a two hour time limit for 110 questions, I knew that my priority was to find the answers quickly.
When the day came, I took the test and finished in plenty of time. I realized that I held a key to passing the test and knew that I could share it with others. Where others ran out of time, I found a way to beat the clock. My premise is that the professionals already know the material, and I can show them how to organize studying to successfully pass the test.
So, how can you help others? Do you have an idea inside just waiting to get out? Many successful products have come from developers and entrepreneurs who have stumbled onto a great way to help.
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