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Showing posts from July, 2014

Reason to Self Publish Number 5

Publish Like a Boss-You're in charge, you own a company. You are CEO, COO, Owner, Proprietor, Publisher or whatever you want to call yourself. Isn't that what the biggest rage was in the 70's where people built their empires on publishing companies? With advanced technology, software and distribution, you can too. All you need is creativity, innovation and an entrepreneurial spirit. "How's your business going?" Selling any books lately?" "So, what are you writing?" This is what you can typically be hit with as your admiring connections begin to realize what you are up to. Now, everyone wants to know more about the niche sensation. Now, the next time you are at a party, someone will inevitably begin with, "I know a guy", or go into their own book idea, hoping you can help them make their book dreams a reality. Publishing like a boss earns new found respect from those who just had no idea of what you've been up to. It'...

Reason to Self-Publish Number 4

Self-publishing and traditional publishing are both viable publishing methods. Each has its own function and should hardly be compared. However, I am daring to make a comparison to encourage those of you who have niche ideas to go ahead and publish your books. Though a traditional publisher will not be able to sell to a select few, you can. Your audience will appreciate your efforts. You can probably think of many great reasons to self-publish. As you make your list of pros, many opportunities might come to mind. I've developed a list of reasons myself.  I love self-publishing and the do it yourself method is so far the most exiting way to get my books to those who need it. My list has included the benefits of controlling creativity and marketing your way and where it counts. The third reason I love self-publishing is that I am publisher and I receive all the money, minus expenses of course. Money, Money, Money-Self publishers earn all the profit. Set your price, pay th...

Get Rich in a Niche For Free?

Register for the contest. Maybe you can be one of five lucky winners. #selfpub #amwriting Goodreads Book Giveaway Get Rich in a Niche by Jeffrey W. Bennett Giveaway ends July 16, 2014. See the giveaway details at Goodreads. Enter to win

Great Reasons to Self Publish Number 3-Publish on Your Schedule

Publish On Your Schedule-Can't get that book done in time? Who cares, nobody's keeping count. Ahead of schedule, go ahead and print, nobody is stopping you. This is your time and place, you decide when is good. Self-publishing gives you incredible timeline flexibility. The only thing you have to do is preplan your book release for availability during book signing or other events. The control is completely in your capable hands. That also means you should work a schedule, in reverse order of when books should be available. If your plan is to have book signing event at the local book store 120 days from now, you have to plan to ensure the book is edited, formatted, designed, uploaded, printed and delivered in time for availability. Nothing is more embarrassing than to set up an event, draw a crowd and books not be available. The upside is there are no other schedules than what are self-imposed, hence no other stressors to influence your publishing decisions. No late ...