Publish On Your Schedule-Can't get that book done in
time? Who cares, nobody's keeping count. Ahead of schedule, go ahead and print,
nobody is stopping you. This is your time and place, you decide when is good.
Self-publishing gives you incredible timeline
flexibility. The only thing you have to do is preplan your book release for
availability during book signing or other events. The control is completely in
your capable hands.
That also means you should work a schedule, in reverse
order of when books should be available. If your plan is to have book signing
event at the local book store 120 days from now, you have to plan to ensure the
book is edited, formatted, designed, uploaded, printed and delivered in time
for availability. Nothing is more embarrassing than to set up an event, draw a
crowd and books not be available.
The upside is there are no other schedules than what are
self-imposed, hence no other stressors to influence your publishing decisions.
No late nights worrying about deadlines and most decisions revolve around the
art of writing and getting your work into circulation. You are left alone to
write and edit on your time.
Consequentially, you can also speed up your calendar
according to the same creative ability. There is no other influencer slowing
your work down. In some cases an author might turn work in for publication only
to have to wait for the publishing house's schedule. When you write and publish
your own work, the process is as timely as you make it.
Jeff Bennett is an author, publisher, security expert and a mud runner. He keeps active and posts his workouts to hopefully inspire others.
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