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How to Link Your Amazon Kindle Books with Other Amazon Listings

The goal is to have all versions of your book listed on all amazon book pages. This may automatically occur when publishing book versions simultaneously through Amazon's Createspace and Kindle Editions. However, what about publishing a print book with Lightning Source? Unless the description details the author / publisher of the book are exactly the same on both accounts (Lightning Source and Kindle setup pages), the books won't necessarily link.

In fact, I published Get Rich in a Niche with Kindle first to test the market. When I was satisfied the Kindle book was selling well, I decided to publish with Create Space. Unfortunately the books did not link and I spent too much time not really concerned about it. Then I realized I was loosing a good marketing opportunity. 

When books are not linked and each version stands alone, the author / publishers looses sales; period. Each version holds it's own reviews, buyers loose Kindle purchasing options (for example, the option for buyers to purchase Kindle version at a reduced price when buying the print version). In other words, marketing is twice the effort and the profits are only half as good.

When books are linked, the audience has more purchasing choices. They can buy paperback, hardback, Kindle, audio and any other versions available. Amazon will make all books available on the same page and the buyer will be more aware. 

Here is how to link your books if not linked already:

1. Go to each book version and ensure details are exactly the same. This will require attention to detail, especially if your print versions are available from an outside distributor / printer (Lightning Source).

2. Alternatively, email the contact for the Amazon enabler (Kindle or Createspace) of your book. This requires less work and is an instant fix.

I prefer number 2 since it requires less work and Createspace and Kindle is happy to help. 

For example, I recently requested the Kindle team to link a paperback book with Kindle. Here are the steps:

Step 1: Go to Kindle or Createspace bookshelf. Select "Contact us" at the bottom of the page.

Step 2: Select the button, "Product Page"

Step 3: Click on the question, "How do I link my Kindle and print editions?" and read instructions.

STep 4: If the above doesn't help, select "contact us" and ask, plese link my Kindle and print editions as the email subject line. In the body, type, please link my Kindle ASIN ____ with my print book ISBN _______.

Step 5: Wait for notification email and the linking should occur soon.

Sometimes it's easier to work with Createspace. So, to link a Createspace print book with Kindle:

Step 1: Go to your Createspace bookshelf and select your title.

Step 2: Select "contact us" at the bottom of the page

Step 3: For the question "What can we help you with?" Select "publishing", in the drop down menu. 
For "my question is about, select "a book title". 
For "issue details", select "publishing on Kindle"
For "how would you like to contact..." select "email".

Step 4: select book title from drop down menu. Complete email with the AISN and Kindle book that you would like to have linked.

Here is an example of the email I sent after contacting Createspace to link our print version of US Army Ranger Handbook SH21-76 with the Kindle :

Me: Can you please link this book with the same Kindle version aisn B00C8CE1PS.  THANKS, JEFF

Createspace: Hello Jeffrey,

Thanks for contacting us to link your detail pages of the title "US Army Ranger Handbook SH21-76". I will be glad to assist.

I submitted a request to link the detail pages. This change should take place within five business days and will not affect your sales ranking.

A delay in linking titles is often caused by a mismatch in the metadata or book information.

Customer reviews and other information are shared when the detail pages for the different formats(hardcover/kindle/paperback) of your book are linked. A "Formats" section will appear on each page allowing customers to quickly navigate among them. You may also notice an edition of your book temporarily hidden on the main Author Page view during the linking process. This is temporary and should re-appear once the titles are linked.

I hope this has been helpful to you and I wish you the best of success with your book projects!

Customer reviews and other information are shared when the detail pages for the different formats(hardcover/kindle/paperback) of your book are linked. A "Formats" section will appear on each page allowing customers to quickly navigate among them. You may also notice an edition of your book temporarily hidden on the main Author Page view during the linking process. This is temporary and should re-appear once the titles are linked.

Well, that's it, problem solved. 

Of course the best way to do this is to publish with both versions in mind, and do so simultaneously. However, if an author finds their books not linked, there is an easy solution. Good luck and happy publishing.

For more ideas and solutions, see Get Rich in a Niche, available everywhere and in multiple formats:

Jeffrey W. Bennett, ISP is the owner of Red Bike Publishing. Jeff is an accomplished writer of non-fiction books, novels and periodicals. He also owns Red bike Publishing. Published books include: "Get Rich in a Niche-Insider's Guide to Self Publishing in a Specialized Industry" and "Commitment-A Novel". Jeff is an expert in security and has written many security books including: "Insider's Guide to Security Clearances" and "DoD Security Clearances and Contracts Guidebook". See Red Bike Publishing for print copies of: Army Leadership The Ranger Handbook The Army Physical Readiness Manual Drill and Ceremonies The ITAR The NISPOM


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