Vacuums Exist
Perhaps you have observed a unique need or product that has not been provided as I had those few short years ago. Maybe like me, you notice that there is a lack of information, study programs, or guidance within a particular area. You might even have the answer inside of you that will help people get to where they need to be or reach some sort of professional or personal goal. That all depends on whether or not you meet an important step; to become recognized as an expert so that people will come to you for that answer.
As I had discovered in my profession, there is a system in place; meet the pre-requisites, register, take and pass the certification exam. However, the void was huge in the confidence building for potential candidates and marketing to those candidates. Some professional organizations have tremendous programs to help others become certified, but this certification was new and virtually just getting off the ground. I had finally found a way to “fit in” and help.
Getting Started
Begin by asking yourself the following questions:
What is lacking?
How can I help?
Will others be able to understand the plan?
Will others be willing to pay for this knowledge?
Is there anything that I can offer for free to help build credibility (become “go to” person)?
What are some concrete ways that I can get my message out (this book will help you find those ways)?
Finding a solution to the void should be relatively simple and the discovery should stir some passion within you. Forcing a product where a need doesn’t exist or trying to fill a gap where you don’t have expertise will make your task terribly daunting. Filling the vacuum with products that people want and will pay for should be a natural occurrence. The product should be easily recognizable and create a eureka moment when your target audience finds it.
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