Marketing Pan Am style
If you belong to any social networking groups, Linked In, Facebook, Twitter and etc, you are probably anticipating next week’s TV pilot episode of Pan Am. Particularly relevant is how you may have become aware of this new TV series; primarily as a result of social network marketing. The huge awareness is driven not by huge TV commercial plugs, but by social networking using the following 5 methods:
1. Create awareness on as many social networking sites as possible. As covered in “Get Rich in a Niche” it’s not the expensive advertising that gets potential customers, but rather opportunities available to target a potential audience and create a community for them. Pan Am has a page on Facebook full of pictures, videos and important TV show facts. They also have a Twitter account with regular tweets referring to the show.
2. Introduce each of your products. Pan Am successfully introduced each of their characters individually with a small back story via posts and tweets. By the time the show airs, hundreds of thousands of viewers will already have a bond and understanding of the planes, the staff that flies and supports them, uniforms and life in the early 60’s. Facebook fans are invited to and regularly interact with their own stories of working with or flying with Pan Am.
3. Hold contests and give away free products. People who opt in to follow on Twitter or like on Facebook are automatically enrolled in a contest to win a prize. What is that prize? A carryon bag emblazoned with the Pan Am logo. Even the prize creates product awareness.
4. Brand everywhere and at each opportunity. Whatever you Tweet or posts, make sure it has something to do with your product. As mentioned earlier, brand your contest prizes. Pan Am also worked with Pandora, the internet radio sensation, to create a station featuring songs from the early 60’s. The radio station is called Pan Am and covers music from the same time period as the TV show’s setting.
5. Make sure your blogs, tweets, and posts feed each other. When Pan Am puts out information on a social media site, it automatically feeds the other. Whatever gets posted on Facebook gets tweeted on Twitter.
Using the above 5 steps can help you create a marketing plan as powerful as that of Hollywood. Take a look at what the Pan Am series is doing and find something valuable to use from their experience.
Jeffrey W. Bennett, ISP is the owner of Red Bike Publishing. Jeff is an accomplished writer of non-fiction books, novels and periodicals. He also owns Red bike Publishing. Published books include: "Get Rich in a Niche-Insider's Guide to Self Publishing in a Specialized Industry" and "Commitment-A Novel". Jeff is an expert in security and has written many security books including: "Insider's Guide to Security Clearances" and "DoD Security Clearances and Contracts Guidebook". See Red Bike Publishing for print copies of: Army Leadership The Ranger Handbook The Army Physical Readiness Manual Drill and Ceremonies The ITAR The NISPOM
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