The best marketing is free. You can generate a buzz about you and your books or products using these five steps . These steps help produce impact full results and increase sales. They won’t cost you anything and are the core ingredients to viral marketing. Develop spinoff products -If you already have a book in any form whether conceptual, unfinished, in production or out of print, you have a platform for spinoff products. These products can be related T-shirts, stickers, follow on books, study cards, training slides and much more. Download our spinoff tip generator to help you use your existing or future product to create more opportunities. Speak and teach-People are hungry for knowledge. If you’ve become an industry export, hobbyist or some sort of aficionado, you have something to teach. This is especially true when you’ve published. Whether with a traditional publisher or self-published, you’ve got a book out and you can teach at least two topics. Publishing gi...
A Blog for niche experts, authors, and publishers. Now with Excerpts from "Get Rich in A Niche-How to Self-Publish and Market Your Book"