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Five steps you need to know to help build your platform; all for free

     The best marketing is free. You can generate a buzz about you and your books or products using these five steps. These steps help produce impact full results and increase sales. They won’t cost you anything and are the core ingredients to viral marketing.
  • Develop spinoff products-If you already have a book in any form whether conceptual, unfinished, in production or out of print, you have a platform for spinoff products. These products can be related T-shirts, stickers, follow on books, study cards, training slides and much more. Download our spinoff tip generator to help you use your existing or future product to create more opportunities.
  • Speak and teach-People are hungry for knowledge. If you’ve become an industry export, hobbyist or some sort of aficionado, you have something to teach. This is especially true when you’ve published. Whether with a traditional publisher or self-published, you’ve got a book out and you can teach at least two topics. Publishing gives you valuable information on your specialty topic and the writing and publishing process. Talk to your local college, school, professional organizations and town halls. See what opportunities you can create. Perhaps you can even consult in your niche.
  • Form alliances-Friends, businesses, organizations, and people in similar niches can be business multipliers. Form a partnership, share products, develop affiliate opportunities, give referrals, sell each other’s inventory and etc. Leverage relationships to help spread your product awareness.
  • Join organizations-Professionals tend to flock together. Join with organizations that compliment your business. There are many industries, organizations and groups that meet to socialize. These meetings can be locally or coordinated through social media like LinkedIn, Twitter or Facebook.
  • Get interviewed-There are a surprising number of small industry based organizations with newsletters, PODcasts, radio programs and other media who are dying for interview subjects. While major media may not cover your area of interest or expertise, there may be a micro organism with the reach and influence you need. If one doesn’t exist, create your own opportunity.
     You may have heard you need to make money to spend money. In many cases this is true. Authors spend money to create titles as factories spend money to create and offer more products. However never ignore opportunities to make money with free marketing techniques. Try these five steps and see what they can do for you.


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