Many of you are not rich...yet. Your book isn’t published and you may not yet have the customers necessary for great sales. You probably have full time jobs, might travel regularly, have a family that needs your
love and attention, chores and responsibilities at home and in the community.
- Pace yourself-Setting goals and milestones is incredibly important. However, the nervous breakdown that follows too tough of a schedule is never worth it. Never write a book or build a business at the cost of your job or your family.
- Commitment-Get buy in from others you have invested time with. Writing is an addition to your schedule that will add stress to your life. Part of your planning should be getting an agreement with anyone you are committed to. The agreement should benefit everyone. Families and relationships need love, communication and patience. Commitments in the community, church, clubs, and social organizations are also important. Let everyone know that you may have to rearrange your schedule, cut down on some events, or otherwise make yourself available to writing until you finish the project. Be sure to give something in return. It’s not all about you.
- Planning Chapters-Find a quiet or quieter place to concentrate and write your book. I find the writing process easier if I preplan my book. The bulk of the work I do in preparing my books take place with a notebook and pen. I do a lot of pre-planning in my head as well. I usually outline a chapter on one side of a piece of paper. If my book is eight chapters long, I have eight pages of paper. I guess I am a product of my times because my book plan looks like a presentation. I use bullet comments for chapter topic supported by further bullet comments for the supporting ideas.For example, here is a snapshot of my planning page for this chapter. This was a first draft outline and has changed somewhat. However, it was enough to get me started:
Chapter 5 Write a book
- Introduction
- Define a problem
- Pressing issues that you can resolve
- List Solutions
- How have you solved the problems
- Research
- Research includes social networks
- Interact-Ask questions; provide feedback
- Learn from others and provide feedback
- People will learn to recognize your name
- Format
- Introduction
- Supporting sections
- Summary
- Book Cover
- Summary
Jeffrey W. Bennett, ISP is the owner of Red Bike Publishing. Jeff is an accomplished writer of non-fiction books, novels and periodicals. He also owns Red bike Publishing. Published books include: "Get Rich in a Niche-Insider's Guide to Self Publishing in a Specialized Industry" and "Commitment-A Novel". Jeff is an expert in security and has written many security books including: "Insider's Guide to Security Clearances" and "DoD Security Clearances and Contracts Guidebook". See Red Bike Publishing for print copies of: Army Leadership The Ranger Handbook The Army Physical Readiness Manual Drill and Ceremonies The ITAR The NISPOM
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