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How to become a niche expert-A look into our self-publishing book

Are you tired of reading blogs and websites claiming that if you just write a book, you’ll make millions?
Are you weary of buying books that have the same old claims of “do this and you’ll make millions”?
Many of these claims sound like wonderful ideas, but they just don’t always work out. Books, novels, niche ideas and specialized industry products require unique and innovative marketing strategies.
Some of the hype asks vulnerable authors to pay money to be included on a mailing list to librarians and book stores. You pay, provide book information and hope they choose yours out of the hundreds they receive. Hope is not a strategy. In truth, librarians and book stores get their products from distributors, not email referrals. Most self-publishers are not in the system.
Some claim that they can provide THE mailing list of people who “want” you to email your book information. In reality, these “customers” aren’t expecting your product. Your information is sent to folks who have no idea of who you are or why they should buy your book.
I know how you feel, because I was burned. I followed their advice only to find myself out of money and patience.
A little truth
There is money to be made providing great books to customers in niche industries.
My name is Jeff Bennett and I am the owner of Red Bike Publishing. I started my company by writing and self publishing a book to help people get their ISP security certification.
Traditional publishers couldn’t market to my small niche and I received many letters of rejection. They weren’t rejecting my product, just the small market. However, I’ve built a good business selling books to people who want to earn their certification.
Self publishing can be a very lucrative choice. Traditional publishers can afford to produce books for 3500 clients, but you can’t afford not to.
Have a great idea, product or book? Before people buy, they need to trust you.
Perhaps you are like me. You have a great idea for a book or idea, but need the little push to get it started. To sell books, products and ideas, you have to build influence and credibility. A few years ago, I was trying to follow-up on some work. I called a fellow professional for information. This person did not want to speak with me because they did not know who I was. I vowed that within five years, I would be an expert in my field and people would know me…
I made plan and achieved results in two years
Now, I am the author and publisher for niche security topics. I teach the Industrial Security Management Course at University Of Alabama Huntsville and am the author of the “go to” book DoD Security Clearance and Contracts Guidebook. After three years as a publisher, I can honestly say that  “I’ve got it down”.
Are you looking for real ways to increase your credibility as an expert? Whether you consider yourself an entrepreneur, author, consultant or working professional, you have to be believable and influential.
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Get Rich in a Niche shows you how to be influencial in your industry with three well explained steps:
1. Become an expert
2. Publish your book
3. Market your book

Jeff’s recommendations really boosted the sales of all of my books including, “Their Blood Runs Cold” and “Snakes of the Southeast.” Anyone with a published book will profit from Jeff’s innovative ideas in “Get Rich in a Niche.” Whit Gibbons, Herpetologist, Author and Retired Professor of Ecology, University of Georgia and Senior Research Ecologist, Savannah River Ecology Lab (SREL)

Don’t be this guy:

Become an Expert:
Perhaps you have observed a unique need or product that has not been provided. Maybe you notice that there is a lack of information, study programs, or guidance within a particular area. You might even have the answer inside of you that will help people get to where they need to be or reach some sort of professional or personal goal. Success depends on whether or not you meet an important step; to become recognized as an expert.Are you an expert?
If so, you’ve successfully asked and answered the following questions:
What is lacking in my industry?
How can I help?
Will others be able to understand the plan?
Will others be willing to pay for this knowledge?
Is there anything that I can offer for free to help build credibility and become “go to” person?
What are some concrete ways that I can get my message out?

I’ll show you how to create a huge presence and become the in demand expert.
  • Teach your subject in continuing education courses
  • Write captivating articles
  • Do the things that get your name recognized by your market
  • Use social networking effectively
  • See book for more
My book is complete with planning tools to help you establish yourself as a niche expert/leader. I developed a personal plan to become a security expert within 5 years; I made it 3 years early. Below is an actual figure from the book and blank customizable blank pages are included in the appendices. I used these to plan his company and spin off products and includes them to show you how. Join our newsletter and I’ll send you an electronic version.

Self-publishing is a respected avenue for authors. Traditional publishing doesn’t always meet niche industry needs. Even if all the customers bought books, there wouldn’t be enough sales to warrant the huge financial, time and resource commitment required of a traditional publisher. This is a great opportunity because niche markets have a built in audience with little to no competition. These markets may consist of only a few thousand people and have needs that aren’t being directly met by traditional publishers. That’s where you come in.
This is different from other self-publishing books. Marketing in a niche is trickier than when offered to more generalized audiences. This book will show you how to apply lessons from successful marketing techniques the author has used and without added business costs.
Whether or not you are engaged in a business, you can begin a publishing company or writing career with little upfront costs. You can simply engage already available resources such as your computer, internet provider and desktop publishing software. If you already have the basics, then you can begin immediately and develop a great business without going into debt.
Let’s dispel some myth’s to help you understand why it’s important for a niche expert like you to embrace self-publishing.
“This book is a great resource. I am using what Jeff teaches to write my first book about Gee’s Bend quilts.” Lovett Bennett, President Gee’s Bend Foundation.
This book will show you how to:
  • Establish your company
  • Write a book day by day
  • Create your book as you build credibility as an expert
  • Format your book
  • Self-publish your book
Forget what you’ve learned about marketing. While others advertise their broad ranging products spending freely, niche marketers have to use more intense focus. Using traditional marketing techniques will cause you to lose money, time and market share.
This book demonstrates how to sell your book by:
  • Leveraging your steps to becoming an expert
  • Creating huge online presence
  • Getting great results with no marketing expenses
Jeff’s book also shows you how to earn money from spin off products, newsletters and blogs. It is complete with planning tools to help you develop spin off products. His security certification book led to three related books, training, magnets and other related products. Below is an actual figure from the book and blank customizable blank pages are included in the appendices. Jeff used these to plan his company and spin off products and includes them to show you how. Join our newsletter and we’ll send you an electronic version or just click here to download.


You have to write a book to be an expert

Not true, Get Rich in a Niche shows you how to write a book while on your journey to becoming an expert. This book also shows you how to become a recognized expert in your field, all at no cost.

You have to publish with a traditional publisher to be recognized as an expert

Not true. If you write a good quality book that meets your customers’ needs, no one really cares if you are self-published, niche published or traditionally published.

You have to buy expensive software to publish a good quality book

Not true. You can publish a high quality and informative book using software that may be already uploaded on your computer. Microsoft Word or other compatible documents make great publications and this book will show you how.

You have to spend a lot of money on editing services

Not true. You can get good quality editing for absolutely free and the results are just as good as with expensive editing. Think about this; how many errors have you found in the last book you read? Even college text books and technical publications have errors.

You can put together a book and they will come

Not true. Even though Get Rich in a Niche demonstrates low and no cost ways to publish, you still need to have a good quality book and the ability to find your audience and build trust. This book shows you how to create relevant books that sell.

You don’t have to market because the web will bring folks to you.

Not true. The web might identify that a book exists, but you have to lead your audience to the books. We will show you how to create a presence that your audience just can’t resist.

You have to spend a lot of money for marketing

Not true. You can make your niche audience aware of your products just by being visible. You can be more effective teaching and sharing information than just by advertising. This book shows you how to be on the top of the search engine results without investing any money.

Your books have to be in book stores to make sales

Chances are your books will never be in a book store. Because of small number of customers interested in your books, the book stores will not be interested in buying your books. Your concern and success should be online sales. For example, suppose your core niche audience is made up of 2000 customers. That’s not enough business to interest a traditional publisher or a major book store. However, depending on your niche, your books could sell for up to $50.00 each. That’s a potential of $100,000. This book will show you how to do so and get ALL of the sales minus print charge. You could lose half of the profits by putting the books in a traditional book store.
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Get Rich In A Niche
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Publishing success can be yours.
Learn to create a following, write a book and become a publisher.
All the best
Jeff Bennett


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