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Red Bike Publishing's Security Book

DoD Security Clearances
Can you keep a Secret?
Do You Know How to Get and Keep a Security Clearance?

Turn your passion for business into work for the government. Discover what you need to know about how to get a security clearance and perform on classified contracts.

Who this Book is For:

Have you seriously considered what it takes to get a security clearance you need to become a cleared contractor employee or build your business as a cleared defense contractor? My book answers the tough questions:

How do I get employed if I can’t get a clearance and…

….I can’t get a clearance unless I am employed.

The truth is, the government publishes information on how to get a clearance. However it’s not easily accessible nor is it easy to interpret.

You need a clearance to get hired. Your business needs a facility clearance to perform on classified contracts. However, you can’t get hired unless you have a clearance. Your business can’t perform on classified work unless it has a facility clearance.

Confused yet?

Perhaps you are one of the many who have questions about getting a security clearance. Maybe you are interested either as an employee or business owner in getting a security clearance, but don’t know how to get started.

A little clarity from the bureaucracy

My name is Jeff Bennett and I am board certified to protect classified information. I teach the Industrial Security Management Course at University Of Alabama Huntsville and am the author of the “go to” book DoD Security Clearance and Contracts Guidebook-What Defense Contractors Need to Know About Their Need to Know. After 25 years in the Army and industrial security business, you can say that “I’ve been there and done that”.

I wrote this book with you in mind. I specifically address the requirements of defense contractors operating under the Department of Defense oversight. The Insider’s Guide to Security Clearancestakes you through the security clearance process.

Other than government regulations, there are few published books addressing security clearances. Insider’s Guide to Security Clearances provides answers to what it takes to get a clearance or prepare for work on classified contracts.

It will assist the college student studying industrial security or homeland security, upstart companies looking for work, and new industrial security employees with understanding the fundamental demands of a career in Industrial Security.

Having been tasked with the mission to research all that I could about Security Clearances and the Facility Security Officer (FSO) position at a government contracting firm, it was difficult to find resources on the topic that were available for the up-and-coming FSO. In this book, Mr Bennett gives clear and concise answers to help guide the way for those that haven’t been in the industry for long or at all. And with the Kindle edition, it was easy to have the book with me for reference whenever I needed help with knowing which forms to use, what acronyms stand for, and what is the next step in the Security Clearance process. I highly recommend this and other RedBike Publishing books on the subject – they are quite helpful for those new to the industry and those that are refreshing their studies. Review

What you should know:

Employees and defense contractors seeking a security clearance are often uninformed on how to get them. Some think that security clearances can be granted to allow them to be more employable. Businesses compete for classified contracts to be more competitive. However, security clearances are granted only on a contract and legitimate government work that requires access to classified information.

Don’t just take my word for it, check out the interview

How to get a security clearance

Benefits of owning Insider’s Guide to Security Clearances
Understand what it means to be a cleared contractor
Organize and get your facility clearance faster
Keep your security clearance
Who the most important employee is
Perform on classified contracts

Insider’s Guide to Security Clearances is divided into chapters with you in mind. The way our book differs from other security clearance books resides in following chapters describing what to do once a clearance is granted. We can’t promise to help you get a clearance. Getting a security clearance depends on whether or not you or your business is trustworthy and you have products or services needed by the government or another contractor. This book only provides an overall view that is covered in more detail in the National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual(NISPOM) and the book, DoD Security Clearance and Contracts Guidebook-What Defense Contractors Need to Know About Their Need to Know, both available from Red Bike Publishing.

I’ve organized this book with chapters walking the reader through registering as a defense contractor, the facility security clearance and personnel security clearance process, the required appointed positions, the National Industrial Security Program and how to protect classified information. For example, once a facility clearance is granted, a Facility Security Officer (FSO) must be appointed to manage the security of classified information and contracts. This book addresses the general FSO duties that may be assumed by the business owner or an appointed cleared employee. It also lets the non business owner reader know what to expect once they get their security clearance.

Insider’s Guide to Security Clearances teaches you the security clearance process. I can’t guarantee that you will get a security clearance, but my book will lead you through the process. All coordination for the security clearance process should be conducted through the government, Defense Security Services and a Facility Security Officer.

All this for only $7.95

Here is the abbreviated Table of Contents

Chapter 1 How the Security Clearance Process Works
How Defense Contractors can Get Facility Security Clearances
Oversight of classified contracts

Chapter 2 Personnel Security Clearances (PCL)
How Personnel Security Clearances are Granted
The Continuous Evaluation Process
The Adjudicative Process
What happens when the security clearance is granted
What you can do when a security clearance is denied
What to while waiting for the investigation and adjudication

Chapter 3 The Industrial Security Program
A National Level View of Protecting the Nation’s Secrets
How the U.S. Government assigns classification levels 33
Protection of Classified Information

Chapter 4 Managing the Security of Classified Contracts
Identifying Customer Requirements
Interpreting Requirements in the DD Form 254 and NISPOM
FSO Training
Annual refresher training
Reporting Security Violations
Career Advancement Opportunities
Becoming a cleared contractor
Helpful Websites

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