Selfpublishing in a niche industry is a good solution. Many times the niche is just
too small for traditional publishers to address. There are few barriers to
entry and technology has made it very affordable.
can physically write a book and make it available. However, to create a good
name and develop a pristine reputation takes more work. Incorporate the
following steps successfully launch your self publishing or indie publishing projects.
1. Have a message
your message passionate; a burning message that screams, “I can help make your life
easier” or “How do you live without me?” Such a message should be yours
exclusively and available everywhere and trustworthy. It doesn’t have to
reflect the current practices or industry standard to be accepted.
wrote my first book “ISP Certification-The Industrial Security ProfessionalExam Manual” after earning my certification. I developed my own study material
that gave me the confidence to pass. I wrote the book and developed training to
help others. I burned with a desire to get more people to pass.
2. Develop the fine points and address
message might be considered a revolutionary, going against the popular
teachings. Go ahead with it as long as you are polite, professional, accurate,
factual and not contrary to laws or regulations. It just means that you will
have to develop allies to help preach the soundness of your message. But preach
you must, so that others will become believers in your ideas.
books have gone against traditional teachings of related professional organizations.
Yet I have developed great working relationships with those within the
profession who recognize my message as one of challenge and not of contention. I
went out of my way to demonstrate a willingness to help develop professionals. They
spread my message because it rings true. It’s hard creating your own niche within
an industry, but it’s rewarding work. I've continued the path to develop more books on broader scopes including security clearances.
Develop lines of communication
do you get your message out? You can talk to everyone you see, present in conferences,
and write articles for blogs, newsletters and social networking sites.
Define quality control
write a book as the undisputed authority in the subject. A great way to succeed
is to be the first in your industry to press. However, don’t rush to get to
market at the expense of your messages’ accuracy or at risk of a poorly edited
work. You’ll want to be credible on the first printing. A great way to do that
is to call upon your allies to check and double check your work. Reward them
with free copies of the finished product and a shout out in your book.
to my ISP Certification book, I’ve had it reviewed my many experts in the field.
Those who have edited it for content and accuracy are named in the acknowledgement
section. They receive public recognition in their profession.
publishing in a niche industry is easier because of a lack of competition and
few barriers. You control the writing, publishing and marketing. Book development
should consider the entire lifecycle of the project, not just the writing part.
Use these four steps to successfully launch your projects.
Jeffrey W. Bennett, ISP is the owner of Red Bike Publishing. Jeff is an accomplished writer of non-fiction books, novels and periodicals. He also owns Red bike Publishing. Published books include: "Get Rich in a Niche-Insider's Guide to Self Publishing in a Specialized Industry" and "Commitment-A Novel". Jeff is an expert in security and has written many security books including: "Insider's Guide to Security Clearances" and "DoD Security Clearances and Contracts Guidebook". See Red Bike Publishing for print copies of: Army Leadership The Ranger Handbook The Army Physical Readiness Manual Drill and Ceremonies The ITAR The NISPOM
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