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Showing posts from 2011

Enter the bad guys-Excerpt from Commitment-A Novel

  CHAPTER 10      High in the mist-filled mountain tops two figures danced excitedly around their chubby friend. Another tall and lanky character observed it from under the wide brim of his bush hat. He allowed himself a rare smile. The boys have earned some excitement.      “Bart found the ore. Finally, he did something besides trying to kill us with his food,” Charles said excitedly, much to Bart’s dismay.      “My food gave you the strength to carry on. Didn’t it, Angus?” Bart said, looking hopefully to the boss.      “Kissing up to him won’t get you much,” said Roger. “But finding this gold will.” He grabbed the short and stout Bart in a headlock and rubbed his dirty hair heartily, excited that the months of mining had finally been rewarded.      Bart smiled in his goofy manner, enjoying the much needed praise.      Roger and Charles let out a roar of pleasure as they tossed the baseball-...

Two Great Marketing Tools For Niche Authors

Developing marketing tools for small niches Whether or not you use all or some of the recommended ideas, ensure your effort s are all connected with one effort feeding the other. This is how you increase awareness with expending the little time and energy you may have available. 1.  Always have your point of sale at your website  with links to your social networks, blogs and other marketing and sales sites. 2.  Include your website, blog and other places customers can find information about you in your email signature. As you send email, your signature block creates a buzz. Find out more detailed "how to" information in Get Rich in a Nich e available everywhere. Jeffrey W. Bennett, ISP is the owner of Red Bike Publishing . Jeff is an accomplished writer of non-fiction books, novels and periodicals. He also owns Red bike Publishing. Published books include: "Get Rich in a Niche-Insider's Guide to Self Publishing in a Specialized Indust...

3 Ways to Finding Your Niche Audience

Guess what, niche marketers can command top search engine results for free. Many marketing tools are available for you at no cost. 1.  Article writing and interacting on social media networks can result in top search engine rankings. 2.  Add key words and phrases to your websites, blogs and newsletters that search engines pick up on really works. Your challenge is to find a possibly elusive market and send them the right message. My market is hard to find; many in the security niche do not have an online presence and mailing lists aren't always available. By nature, members of some small security niches do not participate in social network and limit internet behavior activity. However, what I have learned creates an advantage for niche marketers. 3.  All professionals have email addresses issued by their corporations, belong  to professional organizations and are hungry for education. I also know ...

Expensive Marketing that does NOT Pay Off in Niche Markets

This is where it gets dicey. I am recommending just the opposite of what all the online marketing gurus are suggesting, but please read completely before you make a decision about your next marketing move. Don't Pay for Expensive Social Networking Ads While popular brands and products can earn money through such advertising campaigns, small niches may not. That's the idea of social networking; a niche marketer should be able to make sales without spending money. Facebook, LinkedIn, Google and others offer services to help you get to the top of the search engine results. Many advertise with Google using Adwords or Pay Per Click. When customers use a keyword search, your website is featured prominently in the search engine results. Additionally, some create an advertisement that displays in the search engine’s results margins. When potential customers click on either the advertisement or the search engine result, the advertiser pays the agreed u...

Before you spend money, be sure your audience is specifically targeted in the campaign.

There are already a few strikes against paying to advertise your book through an email campaign to libraries and bookstores. The first is that books are distributed through a process that self-published and print on demands are excluded from. Librarians and bookstores receive a book’s information from the Library of Congress and distributors. If your book is not in the CIP process as described in Get Rich in a Niche , chances are great that it will not be picked up by librarians and traditional books stores. Others take advantage of your hopes and dreams by claiming to have connections and inroads with major buyers. In fact, they collect your money, add your book information to a database with several hundred others and email it to their points of contact. The points of contact may not even be a result of a personal relationship, but simply a collection of email addresses. You then are tied to the hope that somehow the recipient of t...

Why Niche Authors Should Not Advertise

Effective book marketing involves becoming a rock star in your specialized industry. You may have found your place in a specialized niche. Though the general population may not know you, you should be well known within a specialized industry. The funny thing is the fame could be possible from all the free campaigns you should be involved in and never paying for advertising. Personally, while niche publishing, I’ve seen no results from some of the wasted funds committed to advertising and marketing meant for wide customer bases more traditional products. When is such traditional advertising effective? When there is an appeal to a massive audience. Those in this position can spend millions of dollars for premium advertising space knowing that their product will sell and they will recuperate the expenses. For example, everyone in the civilized world wears clothing, lives in some sort of dwelling, enjoys some form of entertainment and expects a certain quality of life. Watch TV, listen ...

3 Ways to Better Book Planning

Many of you are not rich...yet. Your book isn’t published and you may not yet have the customers necessary for great sales. You probably have full time jobs, might travel regularly, have a family that needs your love and attention, chores and responsibilities at home and in the community. Pace yourself-Setting goals and milestones is incredibly important. However, the nervous breakdown that follows too tough of a schedule is never worth it. Never write a book or build a business at the cost of your job or your family. Commitment-Get buy in from others you have invested time with. Writing is an addition to your schedule that will add stress to your life. Part of your planning should be getting an agreement with anyone you are committed to. The agreement should benefit everyone. Families and relationships need love, communication and patience. Commitments in the community, church, clubs, and social organizations are also important. Let everyone know that you may have to r...

3 Ways to Build Credibility By Teaching a Course

Residence classes This is a real opportunity to build credentials and create a real academic presence. Traditional education opportunities are solid and recognized ways to get your message out. Teaching provides a return on investment but takes hard work and persistence to get started. Also there are two different avenues. You can host these classes yourself, or you can get them sponsored. Host the Residence Class Yourself Just like self publishing you can control the product. You have the freedom to create and do not need to seek approval from anyone to get started. You choose to set up the class time, the material, the advertising, and everything else you need to start a successful course. It also means that you have to bring in the resources yourself. For a residence class, you will need a classroom or similar environment, curriculum, projector, screen, training aids, certificates and supplies. There is a terrific possib...

Secrets for Follow-on Book Ideas

Book sales happen when the book is a good product, you have a sound strategy, a detailed plan and a point of sale. You may even have developed successful spin-off products. So what else can you do to capitalize on this momentum? Why not another book and more spin off products? The opportunities for success may continue to manifest and you may find yourself ready to quit your day job. Some remarkable experiences may come up that provide new ideas for you to grow as a professional and offer additional messages to your customers and potential new customers. Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to maintain newly created momentum from your writing and marketing? 1. Remain open to new ideas, but stay focused on reality. Several people have contacted me about other great opportunities. One offered a great salary to join his organization part time. I was flattered, but it required travel and would take me away from what I love doing. 2. Keep focused on your core competencies, abilities and go...

3 Effective Ways Niche Authors Maintain Focus

Authors who work in a niche market can’t afford to lose focus of goals. Your efforts are only successful when you get the desired results. To get rich in a niche, you have to make sales. For example, meeting and greeting is nice and it has its benefits, but creating a point of sale counts. Learn how to protect your time and do what is critical to attract your market and entice customers to buy. It’s not easy to convince others that you are the expert. However, the successful niche marketer isn’t be easily distracted. The market is so small and every move counts. Intense focus means not giving up when: 1. Tried and true marketing efforts don’t work-You may have to create your own marketing plan by becoming a presence by going places your market frequents such as professional events, websites, link exchanges and social networking sites. Then invite them to your website. The marketing plan should be flexible and have a backup in place when you miss the mark. Contact information may be ha...

Exerpt from Army leadership Implications For Organizational Leaders And Unit Commanders

 To be effective team builders, organizational leaders and commanders must be able to identify and interact with both formal and informal teams, including— The traditional chain of command. Chains of coordination directing joint, interagency, and multinational organizations. Chains of functional support combining commanders and staff officers. Although leading through other leaders is a decentralized process, it does not imply a commander or supervisor cannot step in and temporarily take active control if the need arises. However, bypassing the habitual chain of command should be by exception and focused on solving an urgent problem or guiding an organization back on track with the leader’s original guidance Jeffrey W. Bennett, ISP is the owner of Red Bike Publishing . Jeff is an accomplished writer of non-fiction books, novels and periodicals. He also owns Red bike Publishing. Published books include: "Get Rich in a Niche-Insider's Guide to Self Publishing in ...

Bug Man-An Excerpt from Commitment-A Novel

   “Let’s help them,” Tucker said, grabbing John’s hand and pulling him toward the commotion in the forest.      The village surroundings had been busy with the sound of leaves crunching, vines cracking, and rhythmic chants for the past 30 minutes. Tucker led laughing gleefully as they went to investigate. Finally they found twenty men pulling on thick vines as they advanced the progress of a huge sago palm toward the village.      “It is big, John. It will bring us lots of food. The kind you eat a lot of last time,” said Tucker.      “I don’t remember eating food from a tree. What do you mean?” John asked as he stepped in behind one of the men.      Both John and Tucker were now struggling with the cumbersome tree. They made slow progress as the tree scraped across the jungle floor inch by inch. Awkward at first, John soon fell in with the rhythm of the cadence and found the load easier to bea...

Drawing Attention to Your Facebook Pages

You may remember an earlier post describing why and how you might create a Facebook page for each of your books or products. Using my publishing company as an example,   I created a page for my company, each of my books and a group that hosts a professional certification. Did you know that you can log into your individual pages and use make comments and “like” other comments as that entity? Here’s an example: I have a Facebook Page called 80s Movie Reviews . To generate interest with other people who enjoy the 80’s genre, I searched Facebook with the keywords: “80’s, 80s, 80s music”, and etc.   Once I find those pages I make comments on their wall and “like” them using my 80’s Movie Reviews profile. Here’s how you do it. Select your page. On the right hand column toward the top is “Use Facebook as _”Your pages name”__ page”. Once you make the selection, any comments, shares, likes and etc will be attributed to your page and not your regular profile. Instead of people seeing “J...

Don't Forget To Ask- 5 Ways to Draw Attention to an Sell More Books

Perhaps like me, you've published many, many articles, creating awareness of your books and products. You've dedicated time in establishing yourself as an expert and creating an environment mutual trust with your potential customers. However, there is also another piece of publishing; the sales. Maybe your Facebook pages, newsletters,Twitter and LinkedIn accounts testify of all you are and have to offer. All posts are driven by articles relevant to the industries you write for. If so, then you are doing the right things. However, the part lacking is the call to action. You could haev all points of sale on each website, blog and newsletter page. A point of sale is often a benign or passive picture, event or notification of a product. A call to action creates a decision on the part of the reader. Here are 3 recently used ways to increase awareness of books and products. 1.  Send free copies of books in support of related professional orga...


  The leader, dressed in a loincloth and wearing a necklace of bones and ornamental feathers, motioned for one of his subordinates to try the doors. The lackey finally figured how to open the pilot’s door and curiously played with the controls and buttons. He tripped the main power switch, activating the electronic gyro. The slow electrical windup suddenly turned into a high- pitched whir sending everyone scuttling for cover.      John snickered at the comic relief, but only briefly. He needed to get Steve back to safety, and he knew the natives would soon recover from the scare. He rose to help Steve and timidly headed toward the plane. John ducked as the leader turned in his direction and pointed the others to fan out. John knew the leader had sent out a search party. He pushed Steve down and jumped to his side, quickly pulling the poncho over them. At least the ponchos are green, John thought. Lying there, he heard the brush around him parting as a few people...

There, In The excerpt from Commitment-A Novel

     The sun painted streaks of pale blue and yellow through the morning sky. Birds were awake, singing to anyone appreciative enough to listen. The moon was full and bright as it still sat high in the western sky.      John listened intently. He was used to the sounds of the jungle, something he would actually miss. Gone were the distractions of machines. However, he prayed that they would soon be getting back to the plane that would take them back to their world–civilization.      Suddenly he was aware of something new–silence. The singing had abruptly stopped, but why? Birds go silent as a survival instinct, he thought. He listened more intently, as the ground would be soft, muffling any footsteps.      There! In the brush – a slight movement. He focused his eyes to one side of the dark, heavily vegetated area hoping to catch something in his peripherals. Behind about fifty yards, vines and branches moved...

Networking Skills

Experience, commitment and practice are the best qualities to prepare the professional for the necessity of good old fashion networking. Networking is especially necessary in industries like publishing where customers, colleagues and co-workers value trust and quality. A career in writing and publishing and challenging enough, especially in a specialized area or niche. The work is important, and readers count on the niche publisher to provide needed books and training. The publishing and writing professional requires a high degree of interaction as paths cross in collaboration or through online sales. Online sales require time to develop trusting working relationships and getting to know important connections in a timely manner is important. So, how do we accelerate this networking curve? 1. Foster relationships online and in social networks. Get to know customers, fellow publishers and business unit managers related to your expertise. Develop trusting relationships that allo...

The Secret Stays in the Cabin-An Excerpt from Commitment

     “Okay, I’ll demonstrate flying through these passages before these clouds get too low,” Steve yelled over the roaring engine. “Do you see the break in the mountains ahead? Fly to those, staying as far right as you can.”       “I’m staying to the right, and I don’t mind telling you this is a little nerve racking.”      “I’m with you, but this is the only way to some of the villages.” Steve knew John would have a hard time at first. “Just remember to stay to the right. That way if you find you may have mistakenly flown the wrong passage, you will have ample room on the left side for maneuvering.”       “Well, I can tell you that this barely leaves enough to turn. I’d hate to have to make a hasty U-turn or other emergency procedures,” said John.       There was only a mile of flying space between mountain–plenty of room for turning a car around, but an airplane is another...

An Excerpt From the Novel Commitment

“What'd you do that for?” Angus yelled. “He was going to eat me,” the overweight Bart whined a little too loudly. He still had his shotgun poised over his head. “No he wasn’t, you fool. He probably heard all the commotion you made and came to investigate,” said Charles. “What in the world was this aborigine doing up at this time of night?” Bart complained, laboring for air. “Probably guarding the camp from lads like us,” Charles chided. “Keep it down! Did you have to hit him so hard? I think he’s dead,” Angus chastised. “I said I didn’t mean to. You shouldn’t have brought me here. You should’ve left me to guard the camp instead of Roger,” Bart continued to whine. “This stuff scares me and I hate walking through it. I can’t believe you made me come.” “We needed someone competent to stand by at camp. We didn’t think you could cause trouble under supervision,” Charles continued. Angus dug into his back pack and pulled out an ornament he took from an Asmat warrior he fo...

Marketing Pan Am Style

Marketing Pan Am style If you belong to any social networking groups, Linked In, Facebook, Twitter and etc, you are probably anticipating next week’s TV pilot episode of Pan Am. Particularly relevant is how you may have become aware of this new TV series; primarily as a result of social network marketing. The huge awareness is driven not by huge TV commercial plugs, but by social networking using the following 5 methods: 1. Create awareness on as many social networking sites as possible. As covered in “ Get Rich in a Niche ” it’s not the expensive advertising that gets potential customers, but rather opportunities available to target a potential audience and create a community for them. Pan Am has a page on Facebook full of pictures, videos and important TV show facts. They also have a Twitter account with regular tweets referring to the show. 2. Introduce each of your products. Pan Am successfully introduced each of their characters individually with a small back story via posts and ...

The Comics, another way to attract your niche market

I wrote this comic to help defense contractors understand the importance of not altering or modifying their security containers (safes). To do so is in violation of the national industrial security program and can cause the GSA approved container to lose its certification. What ideas do you have to make learning fun? Jeffrey W. Bennett, ISP is the owner of Red Bike Publishing . Jeff is an accomplished writer of non-fiction books, novels and periodicals. He also owns Red bike Publishing. Published books include: "Get Rich in a Niche-Insider's Guide to Self Publishing in a Specialized Industry" and "Commitment-A Novel". Jeff is an expert in security and has written many security books including: "Insider's Guide to Security Clearances" and "DoD Security Clearances and Contracts Guidebook". See Red Bike Publishing for print copies of: Army Leadership The Ranger Handbook The Army Physical Readiness Manual Drill and Ceremonies The ITAR The...

5 Steps to More Book Sales

Here are 5 ways to present yourself as the "go to" person on anything. 1. First of all you need to present a a unique need or product that has not been provided. This could be as a result of a missing education, information, study programs, or guidance within your industry or area of expertise.  2. Provide answers. Sadly, though many people may have identified the need only a few have solutions. You should be able to provide the answers that help customers reach their professional or personal goals. 3. Others recognize you as the expert? You've identified what is lacking in industry, showed how you can help. Now, demonstrate how customers can succeed. 4. Determine a price. What will others be willing to pay for this knowledge? Is there anything that you can offer for free to help build credibility and become “go to” person? 5. What are some concrete ways that you can get your message out? Develop your website with a sales message and video (see http://www.redbikepu...

Be, Know, and Do, Elements of Army Leadership

Leadership, the most essential element of combat power, gives purpose, direction, and motivation in combat. The leader balances and maximizes maneuver, firepower, and protection against the enemy. This chapter discusses how he does this by exploring the principles of leadership (BE, KNOW, DO); the duties, responsibilities, and actions of an effective leader; and the leader's assumption of command. 1-1. PRINCIPLES. The principles of leadership are BE, KNOW, and DO. PRINCIPLES. The principles of leadership are BE, KNOW, and DO. BE • Technically and tactically proficientTechnically and tactically proficient • Able to accomplish to standard all tasks required for the wartime mission.Able to accomplish to standard all tasks required for the wartime mission. • Courageous, committed, and candid.Courageous, committed, and candid. • A leader with integrity.A leader with integrity. KNOW • The four major factors of leadership and how they affect each other are-- ---Led -...

5 Ways Indie Publishers Can Maximize Internet Exposure

Is your indie publishing company positioned for success? These 5 takeaways can help your company, products and books before a broader market. Building a strong presence and leveraging your friends, shareholders and other parties interested in your posts to broadcast your writings can create huge momentum. For example, suppose you have a blog that provides information about your publishing company or a niche book. You blog an article about your latest book. It feeds to your Facebook page and your friends "Like" it or provide comments. Soon others might become interested and your audience increases. However, if you are in a nice industry, only a certain audience will actually benefit from your posts. This is the audience that you educate and provide great books to. They join your LinkedIn groups, Facebook pages and follow your tweets. You've got a good thing going, your audience is faithful, continue to buy your books and comment on your posts. But what if you write ano...

5 Steps to Creating a Book Trailer Video

How to create a book trailer video I’ve seen some great video ideas and am recently joining the many who post videos about their books or companies. So far, I’ve really enjoyed the fun and adventurous videos I’ve created that feature an idea and not books. These videos include Zombie vs. Ranger and How Not to Get a consulting Job. These videos are meant to be fun and entertaining and don’t even mention my products until the end. However, I still can’t discount the effectiveness of a good old fashioned (well recent fashion anyway) video featuring a specific product or book. Great graphics and the right type of music can combine to create a compelling reason for a viewer to take action. This action could include buying a product, visiting a website or signing up for a newsletter. Whatever call to action you want from your video, make sure to make the video worthy of watching. Here are five great tips for making a video trailer: 1. Invest in video software. There is great software that t...

Five Ways an Indie Publisher Can Use High Power Teams

Maybe you think you are alone, fighting the one person fight that many leaders face. However, you would be wrong to assume that just because you are the only employee of your indie publishing company and the only author that you have to take on so much alone. There may be a way to solicit help without having to pay a salary. So how does the business owner create a teaming environment or create a program where no one works there? Through High Power Teams High power teams (HPT) are the most effective types of entities. Where groups form, storm and norm, HPTs go further to create a body more capable than any individual. They do this by agreeing to rules and primarily keeping in mind that throughout any process or problem, it’s not about the individual, it’s about the group. This allows the organization to benefit as a whole as each member sacrifices their individual desires. The members do not lose or give up the individuality that makes them unique. It does not stifle individual creativ...